Why It’s Rare #8: Gun Club for PS2

Welcome back to Why It’s Rare, where we dig into the stories behind some of the most elusive and sought-after video games. Today, we’re taking aim at Gun Club for the PlayStation 2, a title that’s become increasingly difficult to find over the years.
What is It?
Gun Club is a shooting simulation game developed by Mastiff and released exclusively for the PS2 in 2004. Unlike the typical action-packed shooters of its time, Gun Club focuses on the experience of shooting a variety of firearms in a controlled, safe environment. The game is more of a virtual shooting range than a traditional shooter, offering players a selection of real-world weapons to use in target practice and shooting challenges. It was a niche title aimed at enthusiasts of firearm mechanics rather than the general gaming audience.
Why is it Rare?
Niche Appeal: Gun Club was released with a very specific audience in mind, and as a result, it didn’t see widespread distribution. Its appeal was limited to a niche group of gamers who were more interested in the technical aspects of firearms rather than typical video game action, leading to relatively low sales and a limited number of copies being produced.
Limited Print Run: Given its niche status and modest sales expectations, Gun Club had a very limited print run. This means that fewer copies were made available in stores, and even fewer are in circulation today, especially in good condition. The scarcity of physical copies has turned Gun Club into a rare find for collectors.
PAL vs. NTSC: The rarity of Gun Club varies significantly depending on the region. The NTSC version, which was released in North America, is somewhat easier to find due to a slightly larger print run. However, the PAL version, released in Europe and Australia, is much harder to come by. PAL territories often had smaller print runs for niche titles, making the PAL version of Gun Club a particularly rare and valuable find. Collectors in these regions face even stiffer competition and higher prices when trying to secure a copy.
Lack of Digital Availability: Unlike more popular titles that eventually found their way onto digital platforms, Gun Club was never re-released digitally. This has left collectors and fans with only the original physical copies to hunt down, further driving up the game’s rarity and value.
How Much is It?
As of now, Gun Club for the PS2 variers depending on the region. Prices for a physical copy of the NTSC version is around $30 - $50 however, the PAL version can go up to an eye watering $1800 for a sealed copy (there is one for sale on eBay atm). If you’re a PS2 collector or have a particular interest in shooting simulations, Gun Club is a unique addition to any collection, but be prepared to pay a premium to secure a copy.
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